黄金中心是大萨克拉门托的主要经济驱动力, Providing $665 Million Annually

Greater Sacramento


新的研究显示黄金1中心对大萨克拉门托景观的最新影响, Visitor Rate, Commerce and Investment in the Region

SACRAMENTO, CA -Golden 1 Center, 这里是NBA萨克拉门托国王队的主场,也是举办重大活动的社区中心, concerts and shows, 继续为大萨克拉门托地区的经济活力做出巨大贡献, 根据著名研究公司应用经济学最新的经济影响报告. 大萨克拉门托经济委员会(GSEC)委托进行了这项研究,以评估竞技场运营和游客消费所产生的经济和税收影响——竞技场开始建设10年后.

In fiscal year 2022-23, Golden 1 Center hosted over 127 ticketed events, including NBA games, concerts, shows and other sporting events, attracting more than 1.5 million attendees. 该分析展示了竞技场支持的经济生态系统, revealing significant contributions, 为大萨克拉门托地区创造就业和经济增长.

Key findings from the report include:

  • Economic Contribution: 金1中心和萨克拉门托国王队的运营在2022-23年度共为大萨克拉门托地区贡献了约6.65亿美元. 这种经济繁荣是由竞技场运营、游客消费和诱发的经济活动推动的.
  • Job Creation: The arena supported 2,002 jobs, 反映了强劲的就业机会和黄金1中心对大萨克拉门托劳动力的广泛影响.
  • Visitor Spending: Beyond its role as a sports and entertainment hub, 金色中心吸引了来自该地区各地的游客, 每年通过住宿为当地经济注入约4200万美元, dining, retail, and transportation expenditures.
  • Tax Revenues ——黄金中心显著增加了州和地方税收收入. 场馆运营产生的估计城市税收, employee expenditures, and visitor spending totaled $2.6 million annually, while county, school, and other local district taxes, along with state taxes, amounted to $22 million per year.

“黄金中心生动地说明了追求雄心勃勃的官方十大网投网址项目对一个地区的影响. 它证明了大胆行动的变革力量,” said Barry Broome, President and CEO of GSEC. “It underscores a critical lesson for the region and beyond; that taking calculated risks and investing in large-scale development projects can spark a wave of economic growth, 有利于整个地区的投资和社区发展.”

According to recently released data from the Downtown Sacramento Partnership, since the arena’s groundbreaking in 2016, 据估计,中心城市的投资超过70亿美元, 娱乐区(黄金1号中心所在)的评估价值增长超过了市中心其他地区16%. 在过去的一年里,娱乐区的游客人数增长了18%, 这是市中心其他地区增长率的两倍多. And in 2023, the arena contributed to 46 businesses opening, reopening, or signing leases in downtown Sacramento.

“黄金中心是过去十年来市中心最具影响力的一项投资,” said Michael Ault, Executive Director, Downtown Sacramento Partnership. “这对我们社区努力使我们的区域经济多样化至关重要, in-office visitation has decreased, 同时也为附近的小型企业和不断发展的中央社交区提供了催化剂. 竞技场和周围的娱乐区已经改变了萨克拉门托的品牌形象,并成为我们城市和整个地区的标志性特征之一.”

黄金1中心是萨克拉门托市中心景观的重要支柱, 它不仅是萨克拉门托国王队的主场,也是文化娱乐活动的中心. 该报告强调了竞技场在促进社区活力和经济繁荣方面的不可或缺的作用.

For more information, access the GSEC report and Downtown Sacramento Partnership report.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Brittany Jones, bjones@yopin365.com
Madelyn Smith, msmith@downtownsac.org

About the Greater Sacramento Economic Council

大萨克拉门托经济委员会是十大网投官方入口首都地区创新增长战略的催化剂. 该组织带头以社区为导向,以留住、吸引、 grow and scale tradable sectors, 在六县区域内发展先进产业,创造就业和投资. 大萨克拉门托代表了地方和州政府、市场领导者、 influencers 以及利益相关者,他们的唯一使命是推动包容性经济增长. 大萨克拉门托地区建立在发现的基础上,建立在 leadership and fueled by innovation. 

About Downtown Sacramento Partnership

Downtown Sacramento Partnership is a nonprofit, 以物业为基础的改善区(PBID)是位于萨克拉门托66个街区内的市中心社区的集体声音. Driven by the mission to build value downtown, Downtown Partnership is the principal advocate, champion, and steward for those who work, live, visit and do business here. For more information, visit www.downtownsac.org + godowntownsac.com and connect with us on FacebookTwitterInstagram and LinkedIn.

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